Thursday, March 31, 2011


So, I turned 28 a little over two weeks ago... The only thing that stands out so far about 28 is that I only have one more birthday where I will still be in my twenties. I decided that I was going to leave 27 with a bang... and I did. Running my half marathon was truly a great way to end 27. I loved challenging myself, and I can't wait to share more about that in a later post! 

Right now, I don't feel as panicked about turning 30 as I did turning 25. I don't know what that was about, but I am glad those days are (mostly) gone. I guess, the old saying  "With age comes wisdom," is true in this case. I am so excited about all that is going to happen this yet that I can't help but to be excited that I get the opportunity to get old!

Of course, if you know the (almost) Williams, you know we love birthdays (or any excuse for a cake!). And next up is Christopher. He won't be as old as I am, which totally explains why I am the wiser one! ;)  For his birthday, he has decided that he would like to attend the first ever Zac Brown Band Southern Ground Festival in Clemson. It just so happens to be the weekend before his birthday. That lucky boy is going to get to celebrate for two weekends!

As excited as I am for Christopher's birthday, I have to say, I am equally excited about the show (and food, too!). I have seen Zac Brown cook on Paula Deen (yes, I watch her- no, I don't cook her food- my mom's a dietitian, you know!) and it looked REALLY good. I also have seen Chef Rusty (ZBB's chef) on YouTube talking about the show and it sounds delicious! (not to mention that I'll get to see ZBB for the first time live!)

Pictures will be shared!

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